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Sheldon DAEP program strives to collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure each student successfully return to his or her home campus prepared to make good decisions, set goals, and excel academically.

What Should I Expect?

The Sheldon DAEP program provides a smaller learning environment for each student assigned. We place a strong emphasis on high expectations for every student every day. Every student is expected to: ● Behave in a responsible manner

● Be in dress code

● Attend school each day

● Obey all school rules

● Be courteous

● Use appropriate language

Parents are expected to attend an orientation meeting at the Sheldon ISD DAEP campus after their student is placed by the home campus administrator. By calling 281-727-3600, you are able to make an appointment with the Intake Specialist. During the intake process, parents may be required to provide proof of residency to enroll in DAEP. Failure to provide this information will result in the student being removed from the school district.


Michelle Ruiz

Intake Specialist
