Navigating Grant Opportunities
Path for Funding Opportunities
Applying for Grants
Welcome to the Federal Programs and Grant webpage. This department serves as a communication link within the district and among collective agencies/organizations working on grant proposals. Our goal is to work with applicants to identify funding sources to support campus/district initiatives. To make this a smooth process, we all must adhere to the following basic guidelines:
- Identify a need that aligns with district/campus goals, plans-don’t write just because there is money available.
- Develop an idea or program plan to meet that need.
- Identify a possible funding source-Grant Alerts, Funding Websites, Content Area Publications, etc.
- Determine whether or not you meet all requirements for eligibility as specified in the application.
- Fill out the Permission to Apply Form located in Eduphoria under Grant & Compliance. This process will secure the approval from the campus principal, Executive Director of Federal Programs & Grants, (Director of Innovative Programs and Director of Technology if devices or software are requested).
- Once final approval has been granted, the applicant will be notified to prepare the application for submission.
- Assistance on budget development is available through the office of the Executive Director of Federal Programs & Grants.
- Applicant must submit a final copy of the grant proposal to the Executive Director of Federal Programs & Grants.
- Please inform the office of the Executive Director of Federal Programs & Grants of any grant award or rejection from the funding agency. The grant department will maintain a tracking system for all submitted proposals.
Preview the document here: Grant Application Form
Happy Grantseeking!!!
School & Teacher Grants
Grants Awarded to Sheldon ISD
2023-2024 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (After-School Program) Cycle 11, Year 3.
Sheldon Independent School District is pleased to announce that Sheldon ISD has been preliminarily selected to receive an award for the 2023-2024 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (After-School Program) Cycle 11, Year 3.
This federal program supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. The program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offer literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children.
The grant will support students attending Carroll Elementary, Garrett Elementary, Sheldon Lake Elementary, Sheldon Elementary, and M. R. Null Middle School. Students attending Stephanie Cravens Early Childhood Academy and Sheldon Early Childhood Academy will access the program via one of the elementary campuses. The funds provided by the grant will assist in offering high-quality afterschool programs at no charge to our families.
Registration to participate in the program for Fall 2023 is May 15th-June 2nd, 2023. More information will be provided via the Sheldon ISD website. If you have any questions, please contact Tacarra Williams, Director of Federal Programs & Grants at or 281-727-2096.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Sheldon se complace en anunciar que Sheldon ISD ha sido seleccionado preliminarmente para recibir un premio por el Ciclo 11, Año 3 del Centro de Aprendizaje Comunitario Nita M. Lowey 21st Century 2023-2024 (Programa después de la escuela).
Este programa federal apoya la creación de centros comunitarios de aprendizaje que brindan oportunidades de enriquecimiento académico durante el horario no escolar para los niños, en particular para los estudiantes que asisten a escuelas de bajo rendimiento y pobreza. El programa ayuda a los estudiantes a cumplir con los estándares estudiantiles estatales y locales en materias académicas básicas, como lectura y matemáticas; ofrece a los estudiantes una amplia gama de actividades de enriquecimiento que pueden complementar sus programas académicos regulares; y ofrecer alfabetización y otros servicios educativos a las familias de los niños participantes.
La subvención apoyará a los estudiantes que asisten a las escuelas primarias Carroll, Garrett, Sheldon Lake, Sheldon y M. R. Null Middle School. Los estudiantes que asisten a Stephanie Cravens Early Childhood Academy y Sheldon Early Childhood Academy accederán al programa a través de uno de los campus de primaria. Los fondos proporcionados por la subvención ayudarán a ofrecer programas extracurriculares de alta calidad sin cargo para nuestras familias.
La inscripción para participar en el programa para el otoño de 2023 es del 15 de mayo al 2 de junio de 2023. Se proporcionará más información a través del sitio web de Sheldon ISD. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Tacarra Williams, Directora de Programas y Subvenciones Federales en o al 281-727-2096.
The Child Nutrition Department named the recipient of the Texas Department of Agriculture Expanding 3Es Grant totaling $36,659
The Child Nutrition Department is the recipient of the Texas Department of Agriculture Expanding 3Es (X3E) Grant in the amount of $36,659.00. These funds will be used in collaboration with the after-school programs to increase awareness of the importance of good nutrition, especially for children, and to encourage children's health and well-being through education, exercise, and eating right through two grant programs designed to promote better health and nutrition programs and prevent obesity among children in this state.
Sheldon ISD is the recipient of the GEAR UP Grant (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs Grant). The purpose of the grant is to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in post-secondary education. The goal is to achieve the following objectives: Increase the academic performance and preparation for the postsecondary education of participating students; Increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education of participating students; and Increase the educational expectations for participating students and family knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing. The amount awarded is $350,000 a year over a 7-year period totaling $2,450,000.
Grant Announcements
- Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center
- HCDE Partners Grant Announcement April Board Meeting
- SSA Consolidated Federal Grant Funds Notification June 2022