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Null Middle School Off-Season Plan

Our goal this offseason is to bring a new culture and tradition to the program. Us as a program will achieve this through being G.R.E.A.T.

G- Greatness

R- Requires 

E- Effort

A- Attitude

T- Toughness

Everyday we come into athletics the players understand that everything we do we will give the maximum effort. We will always have a highly energized and positive attitude. Lastly, we will be not only physically tough but mentally tough. All these traits will make us great as a program to achieve our goals. 

Offseason outlook/After School Activities: 

We have been in offseason mode for about a month now and, come to the conclusion that the 40 minutes we have in the athletic period is not enough time. With us trying to set ourselves apart from everyone else, we have to put in the extra work. With me being around athletes most of my life, I’ve come to realize that offseason isn’t just about getting better. It’s about staying ahead of your competition. I am asking that the boys stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays till 4:45pm for what I like to call “Zero Period”. At this time we will continue our lifting workouts and do our circuit workout. 

Transportation will be available with the 5 o’clock busses running.  

Our overall goal this offseason is to prepare your athletes for SPAT camp this summer. That way when we get to that point our Null boys are stronger, faster, and more discipline when they get around other coaches. With that being said one of our main goals as a program is to not only make better athletes, but even better hardworking young men. 

Let’s Go Stallions

Be G.R.E.A.T

Fall Athletic Banquet

February 20th 2025