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2025-2026 STEM Academy Application & Lottery Process

General Information

  • The STEM Academy exists in grades 6 - 12.
  • Existing STEM Academy students move up to the STEM Academy in the next grade level; there is no need to re-apply.
  • In grades 6 - 8, there are up to 60 seats per grade level in the middle school STEM Academy
  • In high school, up to 125 students per grade level will make up the STEM/P-TECH Academy.
  • Information will be provided to current 5th-grade students and families in February and 8th-grade students and families in January of 2025 regarding the program and application process.


Application Information for the 2025 - 2026 School Year


Incoming 6th Grade:  STEM Team members will visit elementary campuses in February of 2025 to explain the program to students.  Appplications will be made available at that time.  There will be a window in which applications are accepted.  After the window is closed, students wil be selected via lottery.  All students who applied will receive a letter in the mail stating whether the student was selected in the lottery or placed on the waiting list.

Incoming 9th Grade:  Recruitment for current 8th graders who are interested in the 9th grade STEM/ P-TECH Academy at King High School, will begin in January 2025.  Current 8th-grade STEM students do NOT need to reapply for high school STEM.  Students will receive information about the STEM/ P-TECH Academy when students attend the 8th grade showcase on January 16th & 17th at KHS and at Advanced Academic Night on Thursday, January 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the KHS Performing Arts Center.  Applications will be made available on each middle school campus.  Applications are due January 24th at 4:00 p.m. to your 8th grade counselor, no exceptions.  Every student who applies will receive a letter in the mail stating whether the student was selected in the lottery or placed on the waiting list.