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Professional Development

Requirements for G/T Teachers
Requirements for Teachers Who Provide Instruction as Part of the District’s Gifted/Talented Services

  • A minimum of thirty clock hours of professional development that includes the following:
  • Nature and needs of gifted/talented students (6 hours)
  • Identification and assessment of gifted/talented students (6 hours)
  • 18 hours in differentiation, creativity, strategies, and/or social/emotional needs
  • Initial 30 hours must be completed prior to or by the end of the first semester
  • Advanced Placement Institutes, Rice Institute, and Laying the Foundation can account for no more than 18 hours of the 30 hours. AP/Pre-AP teachers must still acquire the following:
  • Nature and needs of gifted/talented students (6 hours)
  • Identification and assessment of gifted/talented students (6 hours)

Requirements for Gifted/Talented Teachers Who Have Completed the Initial 30 Hours

  • Obtain your professional development transcript or copies of your certificates
  • Upload to your Eduphoria portfolio
  • Keep the originals for your records
  • Verify that the hours have been added to your Sheldon ISD Eduphoria portfolio
  • Obtain a Gifted and Talented 6 hour update annually

Requirements for Administrators and Counselors

  • Administrators and counselors who have authority for service decisions are required to complete a minimum of six hours of professional development that includes nature and needs and service options of gifted/talented students
  • Administrators and counselors who have authority for service decisions are required to complete a minimum of six hours annually of professional development


Requirements for Teachers New to Sheldon ISD

In addition to the requirements for all teachers who provide instruction as part of gifted/talented services, teachers new to Sheldon ISD must receive an orientation in the district’s gifted/talented services and gifted/talented identification processes.


Registering for and Recording Professional Development

To receive credit for Gifted/Talented professional development, the training must be recorded and approved in Eduphoria. This includes uploading copies of certificates for out-of-district training. The instructions below will prove helpful in completing the process.
