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Sheldon ISD FFA students raise $74K at annual Livestock Show

Photo collage of livestock show at Sheldon FFA Agriculture building of students with project animals, metalworks, cakes and horticulture.

Sheldon ISD’s FFA students completed their 68th Annual Sheldon FFA Livestock Show January 16-18. Overall, the Sheldon FFA Livestock Show raised $74,750 in scholarship money for the students who exhibited an animal or project in the show.

Each year a Volume Buyer is recognized as the one who spent the most on student projects. This year the Volume Buyer was Rush Farms. Grand Champion Steer was donated by JD Livestock, shown and raised by Kodey Davis and sold for $5,300 to Rush Farms. The Reserve Grand Champion Steer was shown and raised by Abbigail Tupper and sold for $5,000 to North Shore Rotary. The Sheldon FFA would like to thank all of the show sponsors, volunteers, supporters as well as those who contributed to buying the auction.