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Sheldon ISD Education Foundation surprises teachers with $61,000+ in grants

Photo collage of the Sheldon Education Foundation Prize Patrol 2024.

Holiday presents came early in Sheldon ISD this year, and in the form of oversized checks full of surprises for Sheldon educators. On December 13, the Education Foundation Board of Directors, Superintendent of Schools, SISD Board of Trustees and administrators presented 25 teaching grants to Sheldon ISD educators at 9 schools across the district. The Foundation awarded a total amount of $61,111 to teachers and staff. 

The Sheldon ISD Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that exists to raise funds for teachers who apply for innovative teaching grants. Teachers can apply for funding annually by submitting an application for an idea, lesson or project they want to implement in the classroom. To date the Foundation has awarded more than $260,000 in innovative teaching grants. To learn more, go to  More photos of the grant patrol can be found on our Facebook page.